Protecting & Restoring Long Island's Peconic Bays

Meeting House Creek Wetland and Habitat Restoration

google maps image of meetinghouse creek in the peconic estuary

Meetinghouse Creek Wetland Restoration Project

A stormwater wetland construction project.

map and plan with key of the phragmites marsh and successional forest for the meetinghouse creek wetland restoration project in the peconic estuary

Meetinghouse Creek is one of many small tributaries that drain the North Fork of Long Island to the Peconic Estuary. The area has been settled and farmed since the 1600s, resulting in a heavily modified landscape and drainage patterns.

The topography north of the project site is gently undulating with local depressions that appear to collect and infiltrate stormwater runoff but no discernable surface water drainage channels. Stormwater inlets along Church Lane and Main road collect runoff that discharges into the project site.

map of the site of meetinghouse creek in the peconic estuary

CCMP Related Actions

The Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) is the guiding framework for protecting and restoring the Peconic Estuary and its watershed.