Image Source: Rachel Friedman
On Nov. 15, 2021, President Biden made history by signing The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).
The United States of America’s infrastructure has been underfunded and is in desperate need of an upgrade. Addressing our nation’s infrastructure will directly improve the environment, economy, and citizen’s health. BIL is the largest investment in climate resiliency in the history of our nation, providing multiple funding opportunities to tackle the various climate-related issues that directly affect our communities, especially those who have been historically underserved.
“It will – make historic investments in environmental clean-up and remediation, and build up our resilience for the next superstorms, droughts, wildfires, and hurricanes that cost us billions of dollars in damage each year.” – Statement by President Biden on the House Passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, November 6, 2021
To address the complex intertwined issues that our environment faces, BIL funds will be used to identify, assess, prevent, restore, and adapt to changes in our ecosystems. BIL funded projects seek to support environmental stewardship and invest in nature-based solutions that build coastal resilience, create jobs, store carbon, restore habitat and promote economic development.
Improvements in water quality and ecological habitats directly support local human health. Especially on long Island, who gets its drinking water from a single aquifer. Improvements to infrastructure can prevent polluted runoff and excess nutrients from entering our watershed.
These improvements also enhance quality of life by providing safe access to waterways for cultural and recreational activities. The development and implementation of strategies to increase water access and enjoyment directly benefits the people living in disadvantaged communities.
The BIL mission looks to empower underserved communities through ensuring that their needs are prioritized. BIL funds will be used to enhance a community’s ability to adapt to their changing environment and have resources easily available to making significant strides towards habitat restoration and preservation.
The National Estuary Program (NEP) is an EPA program that has identified 28 estuaries of significance along our nation’s coasts, including us at the Peconic Estuary Partnership (PEP). The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is providing $132 million for the National Estuary Program’s 28 longstanding National Estuary Programs (NEPs) for fiscal years 2022 through 2026.
Each of the 28 NEPs create and implement a Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan (CCMP) based on each estuary’s unique needs. The NEP projects funded by BIL seek to accelerate the implementation of their CCMPs and prioritize projects that restore water quality and ecological integrity with a special focus on areas with historically underserved communities. Environmental justice is an important initiative incorporated into NEPs BIL funded projects. Prioritizing projects in disadvantaged communities boosts their local economy.
In 2021 Executive Order 14008 established the Justice 40 initiative which mandates that at least
40% of the benefits of certain federal programs must flow to disadvantaged communities.
Federal investment in certain categories including climate change, clean energy and energy
efficiency, remediation and reduction of legacy pollution, and the development of critical clean
water and wastewater infrastructure are subject to Justice 40. PEP identifies communities identified as Environmental Justice areas and prioritizes them when choosing sites for our projects.