Announcing a new name! Peconic Estuary Program is now Peconic Estuary Partnership
2020 brings exciting news for the Peconic Estuary Program – a new name that better reflects the program and a soon-to-be launched revised Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan that includes fresh goals and actions for the next decade.
As a National Estuary Program, the PEP brings together all members of the community – Federal, State and local governments, non-profit organizations, businesses, academia and interested members of the public to improve the Peconics through collaboration and the pooling of resources and expertise. Our new name, the Peconic Estuary Partnership, captures the strong partnership that has always been dedicated to restoring clean water, protecting and enhancing vibrant ecosystems, and communicating sound science for nature-based coastal planning in the Peconic Estuary and its watershed.
“With the new decade comes many new changes for the Peconic National Estuary Program. Over the last two years, we have reached out to existing and new partners to rebuild an effective organization that can achieve our water quality, healthy habitats, and community based goals. As we finalize our new Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan, the guiding document that will bring us into the next ten years of watershed management in the Peconic Bay Region of Long Island, we are also changing our name to best reflect one of our most important features: partnership. We act together to improve the quality of our waters and the value of our habitats, moving forward as one Peconic community to protect and restore the Peconic Estuary. We are partners in this endeavor. Come, partner with us, and see what we can achieve together over the next 10 years and beyond.” – Joyce Novak, PhD, Director of the Peconic Estuary Partnership
The partnership is looking forward to a new decade of protecting and restoring the Peconics for the health of our water, wildlife and economy on the East End.
Visit our website to learn how you can be involved with the partnership and keep an eye out for the launch of the revised management plan.
Watch this PEP presentation to learn about the projects we do and how you can get involved. During National Estuaries Week, we celebrate Estuary Day with Long Island Sound Study and South Shore Estuary Reserve to bring awareness to the work that we do as the Estuary Programs on Long Island and how you can...
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Suffolk County presents a workshop on the Septic Improvement Program at PEP’s August 2020 Citizens’ Advisory Committee Meeting. Learn what the program entails, how to apply, and feel equipped to take the next steps in upgrading your cesspool or septic system for cleaner water quality.
We at the Peconic Estuary Partnership (PEP) have taken time over the past few months to reflect on how we, as a partnership of scientists, educators, public and private institutions, can act to change the racial disparity in our own small corner of the world and contribute to this change in the wider world. As...
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The Peconic Estuary Partnership, Seatuck Environmental Association, and Dr. Russell Burke of the Jamaica Bay Terrapin Project of Hofstra University hosted a virtual terrapin monitoring workshop where attendees learned about the importance of monitoring and how to identify terrapins and evidence of their activity. The workshop concluded with the unveiling of Seatuck’s Diamondback Terrapin Watch, which is an online survey...
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Watch our May 2020 Citizens’ Advisory Committee Meeting co-hosted with Group for the East End, with guest speaker Rusty Schmidt, President of Long Island Native Plant Initiative (LINPI). Learn all about native plant species, where you can buy native plants, and how to get started on your garden. Native plants do not require fertilizer or...
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Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the PEP offices are closed and all in-person meetings, events and activities are postponed until further notice to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. PEP staff are working remotely and can be contacted via email. As always, we will continue to share information about the Peconic Estuary through our...
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The Peconic Estuary Partnership, in response to the adult scallop die-off in the Peconic Bays convened a group of scientists, regulators and experts to assess the known and unknown factors that may have contributed to the demise of the Peconic Bay scallops in 2019 in the Peconic Estuary. This group, the Peconic Bay Scallop Technical...
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February 21, 2020 PECONIC BAY SCALLOP TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE PROVIDES UPDATE ON THE 2019 ADULT BAY SCALLOP DIE-OFF In light of the recent information released regarding the work led by NYSDEC and the Marine Animal Disease Lab at Stony Brook University, the Peconic Bay Scallop Technical Review Committee would like to give the following update...
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