Protecting & Restoring Long Island's Peconic Bays

Septic Waste - Approved

Septic Waste - Approved

This septic waste – approved category includes BMPs that have been approved by Article 19 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code.[1] These include onsite, proprietary innovative and alternative on-site wastewater treatment systems (I/A OWTS) that rely on aeration, mixing or recirculation to reduce nitrogen levels in effluent to an average of less than 19 milligrams per liter (mg/L), which represents a significant reduction compared to traditional systems. I/A OWTS utilize various treatment options, providing aerobic and anaerobic environments to complete nitrification and denitrification of wastewater to reduce nitrogen concentrations. The technologies employed by these systems include trickling filters, extended aeration, suspended growth, activated sludge, membrane bioreactors, and/or filtration. The systems can be applied to an individual residence or business or scaled up to service a cluster of homes or businesses (up to a maximum flow of 15,000 gpd) in more densely populated areas (CDM 2020). These systems may be installed along with reuse of existing leaching structure or with a new gravity leaching structure or a new pressurized shallow drainfield.

[1] There are four phases to gain approval: experimental, pilot, provisional, and general use. Experimental systems are those that are not yet certified by the USEPA Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) or National Science Foundation (NSF) 245 testing, or do not have NSF 40 certification, and are not approved to for 19 mg/l total nitrogen in at least 2 similar jurisdictions, may be installed in Suffolk following SCDHS review of required materials. The pilot phase involves installation, field testing, and technical evaluation following SCDHS review and approval of required certification and verification submittals. Provisional use is granted following SCDHS review and approval of demonstration of effluent nitrogen reduction to 19 mg/l total nitrogen or less after 12 months of operation, and the general use phase occurs after successful completion of the provisional phase. Detailed requirements for each phase are provided in Standards Promulgated under Article 19 for the Approval and Management of Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (Suffolk County 2017a). Approved technologies in this assessment include those that have been granted provisional approval (Suffolk County 2020b).

Individual I/A OWTS

View more information on Individual I/A OWTS >>

I/A OWTS (Active) – Cluster

View more information in I/A OWTS (Active) – Cluster >>

Decentralized Sewage Treatment Plants

View more information in I/A OWTS (Active) – Cluster >>


CDM Smith, 2020. Reclaim Our Water Subwatersheds Wastewater Plan. Prepared for Suffolk County Department of Health Services. February 2020.

SBU CCWT, 2017. 2017 Annual Technology Review of Innovative/Alternative OWTS. Prepared for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

PEP (Peconic Estuary Partnership). 2019. Peconic Estuary Program Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Action Plan. Prepared by Anchor QEA, LLC, The Nature Conservancy, and Fine Arts and Sciences, LLC for the Peconic Estuary Partnership, September 2019.

Suffolk County, 2017a. Standards Promulgated under Article 19 for the Approval and Management of Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems. Suffolk County Department of Health Services, December 29, 2017.

Suffolk County, 2017b. Standards for Approval of Plans and Construction for Sewage Disposal Systems Other Than Single-Family Residences. Suffolk County Department of Health Services, December 29, 2017.

Suffolk County 2020a. Suffolk County Sanitary Code – Article 6 Single Family Residences Realty Subdivisions, Developments and Other Construction Projects. Available at:…

Suffolk County 2020b. Draft 2019 Report on the Performance of Innovative and Alternative Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems. Suffolk County Department of Health Services, March 2020.

Suffolk County 2020c. Septic Improvement Program – Vendor Contact Information (includes estimated operations and maintenance, parts replacement, and electrical costs). April 2020. Available at:,OM,Parts.pdf

Suffolk County, 2021. “Reclaim Our Water Septic Improvement Program Vendor Ranking Cost Sheet.” March 3, 2021 revision. Available at:

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